I had another blog, but I forgot the log in (real smart, doofus) so I am starting anew! I am not too sure what this blog will contain, for now, just my insanity, accompanied by a love of chocolate and sleeping... Both of which I indulged in great amounts this weekend.
I suppose I am to tell you about myself now, right? Here goes...
I am Danielle, a twenty-one year old, 5'1'' recent college graduate. I graduated with a certificate for Hospital Unit Clerking. If you don't know what that is, google it, I am far too sick of explaining it. I am a middle child of three girls, and yes, I have middle child syndrome. Sarcasm is my weapon of choice most days, and it gets me through. I live on a lake, but will be moving to the city in just over a month. I work at a private school and live there as well. Some days I love it, other days I just wish I could sleep in for once. I am not a morning person.
I think I am going to start this blog off with a summer 'to-do' list.... We'll see what I actually get around to doing, eh?
#1 - Move to Victoria - this one is pretty easy to accomplish, but hey, I gotta start somewhere, right?
#2 - Acquire second job - I have a job already lined up, but it's only once a week, and I have bills to pay and saving to be done!
#3 - Get a tan - fake or real, I honestly don't care at this point.
#4 - Possibly go bungee jumping - I am terrified of heights, but if I tandem jump with someone I think I could be able to do this. And I've been wondering about it for a while, so maybe I will actually get around to doing it!
#5 - Meet with an academic advisor - I am interested in taking more schooling... yes, even when I just finished college... I want to go back already.
#6 - Save enough spending money for California - I am going to California for 10 days at the end of August and I would like to have a lootttt of spending money.
#7 - Lose some weight & start working out again! - I am not stoked on the fact that Dwight food makes me fat.
#8- Find some more things for my to do list!
That's all I can really think of right now... until next time, I will leave you with an amazing song...
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