Thursday, 24 November 2011

Sickness ickness.

So. I'm sick. If anyone has ever been around me before when I am sick...they will know this: I am a total baby when it comes to being sick. I get whiny, I want everything to be done for me, I want to sleep all day, and can't figure out why I can't find anyone awake during the night to keep me entertained. Basically, I expect the world to revolve around me (Because I at least understand that it doesn't normally revolve around me, most days).

In other news, it has been incredibly stormy out these days, and quite frankly, I love it. Makes me always think to myself 'tis a blustery day in hundred acre wood today.'

My family gets back on Saturday, all tanned and happy and relaxed. And me? I'm pale, sickly, and far from relaxed, but that's what workaholicism is... And I do it to myself. But I called in sick for tomorrow and I will be enjoying a sleep in and a lie about in bed alllll day kinda day. I bought the Hunger Games yesterday, and will probably finish it by the end of the weekend at the latest.

Not a lot of other things going on. Christmas is in a month! (I have at least started my shopping) And Ashley and I are going to do Christmas Crafts.. (as soon as we both have a day off!) That being said, I can't really stand Christmas music. I'm a grinch, I know, but really, our hearts are about the same size, so it makes sense.

Friday, 18 November 2011


So, I kinda really miss Facebook. So I have come up with a clever little plan (That will never happen).

If I am really that desperate to go back, I have to do a workout first. And however long that work out may be, that's how long I get to spend on facebook. Now, not only is this a great idea, but it will never happen. So, you may never see me back on facebook again. That being said, I might get desperate enough. Who knows, maybe this will finally be my motivator for working out... I have never been able to workout much. Ashley's dad says I just need a bike powered computer, which I could sadly see myself using.

In other news, I got my cat scan appointment for tomorrow. So happy. It's been trying to snow lately. So unhappy. Also, boys are dumb, but that goes without saying right? of course I'm smart enough to know this, but dumb enough to stick around even when I'm not really that happy.

My family is in Hawaii still... full on jealous. But I am getting there on my saving for Australia front. :) I can't wait.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Sidney by the Sea

Today I actually did something social. Outside. WHAT! I met up with an old co-worker from the school, Jaimie. She is probably one of the best people I know, to be honest. I don't know why we didn't hang out sooner, so much fun with this girl! If you wanna check out her blog, you can click here. So we met up in Sidney, which is very near to where I live now, for some hot bevies, cool shots, and thrifting. We both bought new cameras, and it turns out,we bought the very same one! Which is awesome, because she showed me how to operate some of the cool features. Such as the colour select, as seen below:

We also walked around browsing through shops, and she snagged some great finds at the thrift store (100% silk top for 1$? Sold!) I managed to find a little something for a christmas present for my best friend. Which she is going to go CRAZY over, guaranteed.

Another out-of-character thing I did today... Cancelled a shift! Meaning I am taking a day off! What is this madness? Who am I ? Hahah. I will be able to sleep in tomorrow, and spend the day with my best friend. What is better? With a small hiccup in the morn' being my ultrasound for my shoulder, which I must NOT forget about... I am looking forward to it. And quite possibly, might get out with my camera as well.

Well, that's all for today. I am off to brainstorm how I can decorate the walls in my room... Any ideas? Leave a comment!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Just a small update tonight..

So, I went to my doctor today... So far, she was able to diagnose a muscle spasm in my neck.. joyous. And wants to do a cat scan on my neck as well, now. So that brings my test total up to: 1 x-ray of my neck, 1 x-ray of my shoulder, an ultrasound of my shoulder, and now a cat scan of my neck. I have to take some time off of one of my jobs because of this, and I've had to request to reopen my WCB report from last year. FUN TIMES...

Other news, visited Dwight today, 'twas nice. I miss that place from time to time.... Not all the time though.

I bought my best friend and I tickets to Hedley in February for her birthday. We're both pretty stoked. I am an absolute concert fiend! One day, I will try to recount all of my concert experiences.. There's a lot of them..

On the work front.... Still working full time, no overtime this week, which is wonderful and not at the same time. I have enjoyed being able to have a slight social life, but sometimes I feel like I am too antisocial to be in the world now...

Not sure what else is new... basically my life pretty much sums up to: I work and I have shoulder/neck pain. The end.


Sunday, 6 November 2011

A change of scenery

So, I have been a bit preoccupied with work these days to get around to blogging. I am currently taking a month off from Facebook though, so we will see if I get more productive.
I quit Thrifty's in September, probably one of my better decisions, by far. But of course, by then, the damage to my shoulder had already been done. Currently in the process of various tests to diagnose what exactly is wrong with it. Will keep you updated on that!

I am working pretty much full time at the hospital and part time at the doctors office. I worked 75hours last week alone! Lots of overtime, which means... NEW CAMERA! I bought a Canon Powershot XSI or something-or-other. I am in looove with it! I definitely plan on taking many excursions to capture the absolute beauty known as Victoria, the lovely place I am blessed to live in. I will also post some of my photos on here, since I am not facebooking right now.

On the subject of facebook... I feel good about not going on it, but at the same time, I crave to know what's going on in everyones lives. Or if I have any notifications. I have been obsessive about Twitter to take up some of my time, but it isn't nearly as much of a time suck as Facebook. I am constantly wondering what life after high school was like before Facebook and socialnetworking sites were popular and the norm. I feel like our generation is so detached. We don't have to actually call or talk to people to know what's going on in their lives anymore, just click click and read their profile. It takes the personal aspect out of things. I really wish that we weren't all so dependent on it... Though I will admit, it's a great way to stay in touch with people.

Went out with the little sister today, took some photos at the ocean. Trying to get used to my new toy. It's a little bit more complicated than my previous cameras that's for sure. But with time and practice, I will conquer technology!

Remember how I mentioned that working at the school was kinda brutal some days because I am NOT a morning person... well... I certainly learned how to be now... I start most of my shifts at the hospital at 5:30AM!!! Meaning I get up at like 4:15ish... So absurd. I am awake before the birds! (rhyme unintentional).

More to come later, as I start getting out more and doing more things as opposed to sitting inside on facebook during my time off ....


Monday, 5 September 2011

I is for I am going to finish the alphabet in one sitting...

I had a blast in Cali, see my facebook for photos, and I even got a tan!

I spent hella money, but I am working everyday in order to make up for it!

I am going to Taylor Swift on Saturday, BEYOND STOKED!

In order to finish the alphabet, I better keep these short...haha

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

H is for Hospitals

I finally got a job in the hospital! YAY! Not as a unit clerk, but a staffing clerk. Pretty much the same wage, so I'm down. Prettyyyy excited!

I leave for Cali in 4 days,OHMYGODDDD.

Could it get any better than this?