Sunday, 13 November 2011

Sidney by the Sea

Today I actually did something social. Outside. WHAT! I met up with an old co-worker from the school, Jaimie. She is probably one of the best people I know, to be honest. I don't know why we didn't hang out sooner, so much fun with this girl! If you wanna check out her blog, you can click here. So we met up in Sidney, which is very near to where I live now, for some hot bevies, cool shots, and thrifting. We both bought new cameras, and it turns out,we bought the very same one! Which is awesome, because she showed me how to operate some of the cool features. Such as the colour select, as seen below:

We also walked around browsing through shops, and she snagged some great finds at the thrift store (100% silk top for 1$? Sold!) I managed to find a little something for a christmas present for my best friend. Which she is going to go CRAZY over, guaranteed.

Another out-of-character thing I did today... Cancelled a shift! Meaning I am taking a day off! What is this madness? Who am I ? Hahah. I will be able to sleep in tomorrow, and spend the day with my best friend. What is better? With a small hiccup in the morn' being my ultrasound for my shoulder, which I must NOT forget about... I am looking forward to it. And quite possibly, might get out with my camera as well.

Well, that's all for today. I am off to brainstorm how I can decorate the walls in my room... Any ideas? Leave a comment!

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