Friday, 18 November 2011


So, I kinda really miss Facebook. So I have come up with a clever little plan (That will never happen).

If I am really that desperate to go back, I have to do a workout first. And however long that work out may be, that's how long I get to spend on facebook. Now, not only is this a great idea, but it will never happen. So, you may never see me back on facebook again. That being said, I might get desperate enough. Who knows, maybe this will finally be my motivator for working out... I have never been able to workout much. Ashley's dad says I just need a bike powered computer, which I could sadly see myself using.

In other news, I got my cat scan appointment for tomorrow. So happy. It's been trying to snow lately. So unhappy. Also, boys are dumb, but that goes without saying right? of course I'm smart enough to know this, but dumb enough to stick around even when I'm not really that happy.

My family is in Hawaii still... full on jealous. But I am getting there on my saving for Australia front. :) I can't wait.

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