Monday, 6 June 2011

B is for Beaches and BURNS


The surf capital of the island. Endless sandy beaches, a variety of campgrounds, a real surfers paradise. Of course, I am not a surfer, something about being in a cold ocean... not my thing. Maybe if I ever go to Hawaii... haha.

Amazing weather, absolutely gorgeous... And I have the sunburn to prove it! Boy oh boy I did a number on myself this weekend, and the sad part is, my mom said she has seen me more burnt! You'd think I would learn by now, but what is a summer without Danielle getting a ridiculous sunburn at leaaast once?! But I can hope that now I am going to remember sunscreen (chances: slim to none). I could either hide from the sun for the rest of the summer or just do smaller doses than 5 hours in straight sun without sunscreen.. Haha. I am honestly so red the lobsters are jealous, bitch please. I even have the sunglasses outline burned onto my face. My nose is the worst. AGH.

I have already finished my last book purchase, only took me a day and a half... lovely. I know I should invest in a library card, but there's something about actually owning the book...

I at least got the day off work and can work from home today, seeing as I can't even wear a bra right now :( Thank god for solarcaine, or as we call it in my house, Daniellecaine... sunburn relief bought specifically for Danielle.... awesome.

I will keep you posted as to how my burn heals... peeling or a tan (my vote: hella peeling, especially the attractive nose-peel)

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