Sunday, 19 June 2011

I am officially graduated. Wahoo.

On Friday, I had my college graduation. It was fun, and boring. Haha, like any other grad to ever happen...

I feel a lot better about not being able to find a job yet, as most of those in my class who showed up also didn't have job offers yet. I did, however, see a posting for a job in the unit where I did my practicum. Chances of me getting this job are not likely, but I am hopeful.

It's my second to last weekend on campus, and I am sit-upside-down-stare-at-the-walls bored. Seriously, this place can be SO boring. No weekend out-trip... most kids studying.... WHAT AM I TO DO FOR ENTERTAINMENT!?

I am planning on getting my piercings back on the 28th, and I move on the 29th. Besttttt. I can't wait!

Canada day is coming, shenans to ensue....

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