Wednesday, 27 July 2011

D is for Doing things on my summer list.

Hmm, what is going on in my life? Summer is playing hide and seek... I would rather it just stop playing games and be sunny every day! I have been here for almost a month now.. It's kinda crazy how fast time is going right now. Lightning speed. Less than a month until I leave for California, I am unbelievably stoked! Should probably get around to purchasing my last tickets.. haha...

Progress on Summer To Do List:
#1 - Move to Victoria - Check.
#2 - Acquire second job - Check.
#3 - Get a tan - Check.
#4 - Possibly go bungee jumping - Still contemplating.
#5 - Meet with an academic advisor - On-hold. I want to travel before I go back to school.
#6 - Save enough spending money for California - Check.
#7 - Lose some weight & start working out again! - Progressing.. I have gone for 1 run in the last month...hahah
#8- Find some more things for my to do list! - On-going.
#9 - Get my piercings back! - Half done. Got my nose redone, now to get around to getting my lip done :)
#10 - Learn how to cook more things - One day I will be good at cooking... one day..

So, I think it is safe to say I am making good progress this summer. :) 

Getting my first credit card today... What shall my first purchase be?! N64 games? Possibly. Concert tickets? I like that idea! 

I have started something new with someone new. I like where things are going with this one. :) It's been a long time since I was this happy, I rather enjoy it. 

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