Monday, 1 August 2011

Written while on the beach watching the sunset

It's really hard to gather your thoughts when you don't eve have the slightest idea what any of them are about. I sit here, at the ocean, watching the sunset, tunes in my ear and sunshine on my face.. And I can't tell if I'm happy or upset. I can't tell if it's to do with a person or a situation. I find these times really frustrating. I want the company of someone, but I'd be terrible to hang out with, and yet I am also wanting to be alone with my thoughts. I want to tell you how I feel but you are such a mystery to me, I don't know how you'll react. The water is really peaceful tonight, slight breeze creating small ripples, but not enough to disturb the glassy surface. Maybe it's the fact that I have to face certain feelings in a few short weeks and I'm not ready to handle it?

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