Monday, 1 August 2011

E is for experiences.

Life is full of new things, new experiences... And I plan on trying some new things myself.

I want to travel, see the world and experience it. Australia is on my to do list right now.. I just gotta find someone to come with me. I am thinking 3 weeks, and if life allows me in the future, I will return. But for now, I want to just go for that period of time.

After Australia I will start planning my Europe trip. This is the big one. I have allllways wanted to go there, and see as many countries as I can! I will probably go for a couple months, this is going to be the trip of a lifetime. I will save for as long as I need to, this is going to happen.

That's all for now, I just figured I'd add another letter, as I don't have much time left to do the rest... Where is Summer going?!

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