So. I'm sick. If anyone has ever been around me before when I am sick...they will know this: I am a total baby when it comes to being sick. I get whiny, I want everything to be done for me, I want to sleep all day, and can't figure out why I can't find anyone awake during the night to keep me entertained. Basically, I expect the world to revolve around me (Because I at least understand that it doesn't normally revolve around me, most days).
In other news, it has been incredibly stormy out these days, and quite frankly, I love it. Makes me always think to myself 'tis a blustery day in hundred acre wood today.'
My family gets back on Saturday, all tanned and happy and relaxed. And me? I'm pale, sickly, and far from relaxed, but that's what workaholicism is... And I do it to myself. But I called in sick for tomorrow and I will be enjoying a sleep in and a lie about in bed alllll day kinda day. I bought the Hunger Games yesterday, and will probably finish it by the end of the weekend at the latest.
Not a lot of other things going on. Christmas is in a month! (I have at least started my shopping) And Ashley and I are going to do Christmas Crafts.. (as soon as we both have a day off!) That being said, I can't really stand Christmas music. I'm a grinch, I know, but really, our hearts are about the same size, so it makes sense.
Hey, Danielle?
ReplyDeleteDid you finish The Hunger Games? If so, what'd you think of it (I read it this summer and loooved it, so I'm just wondering what others thought)?
If you want to read the others, I have them and you can borrow them (and I can maybe see you?). Let me know!! :)